Thursday, December 7, 2006

Ahhhhh! Puuuuuuuuuurfect!

Case in Point:
I am here in my house not wanting to even think about how cold it is outside. My wife in her art room doing her art. When all of sudden I hear HONK HONK outside and then my fone rings. It's my bud Jack in the earlier post: "Come outside dude, quick!" So I pile on 3 jackets and head out into -80 Billion degress, that's right negative 80 Billion degrees. I go over to his van and BOOM just like the bomb that he is, he hands me 2 piping, steaming hot cocoas complete with whipped cream. You are the BOMB Jack! Mia says Thanks too!



Anonymous said...

Sweetness abounds...

Loose Arrow said...

Yah Mahn Sweetness Abounds!

Anonymous said...

Man I wish I had friends like that. All I hear is, HONK HONK, "Hey Buddy move your car!" or HONK HONK "Hey Buddy you owe me 50 bucks!" ....dang...