Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Am I really that scary?

I send the link of my blog to my mom which she quickly goes to see like a nice supportive mother and she comes back to me with:
Take a guess
1) Your blog is lovely can you make me one like it?
2) WOW! You should be able to charge people to read your blog!
3) Is that really a picture of you? You look scary!!

If you guessed 1 and 2, then I applaud you at what you would THINK a mother would say. Well, when you're a Lion, you scare people!


Kristen said...

This is really funny. Parents are so random, and Dave, that is a pretty intense picture.

Greg Burnett said...

Scary? I thought it was your "muy macho" pose!

Jefe, glad to see you are online. I laughed out loud at the 'garage band' observation in the earlier post... HA!

Anonymous said...

After reading Greg and Randy's comments about a "scary Lucero picture", I thought I'd investigate. A picture that scared someone's own mother sounded interesting! However, after scrolling down, my conclusion is that truly scary people would not have excellent friends who deliver hot chocolate right to their door - probably big ole teddy bears have friends like that - loved the hot chocolate pictures! Praying for everyone involved in One Thing - God Bless!