Thursday, December 14, 2006


I work with some awesome men of God who have it their life mission to do the will of the Father. This week we move from a half rack into a full rack at our colocation in downtown KC. Don't worry if you don't understand the terminology! Remember when Ethan Hunt dropped suspended in the high tech computer room in Mission Impossible? It's kinda like that but nothing like that.

But (you might be wondering) doesn't moving from a 1/2 rack to a full rack mean you have to shut main servers down? Doesn't that mean you have to turn off the database? The website? The payment server? The streaming server?

Yeah, you probably don't even remember the website being down do you? The IT Dept is committed to rocking and then rolling. Wham! Slam! We're in and then we're out. Thanks guys you ROCK! Javier, John, Jack. It's great to be working along side some great skills, talents, abilities, and tireless always at work guys like you. OK enough before you ask me for a tissue.

Peace Out Brathas! We did it again!

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