- Take a road trip
- Start a company
- Go on a cruise
- Buy a new car
- Do a missions trip
And on and on and on and on.
Now don't think I am dogging you for saying any one of these phrases because I've been there. I've sat around pondering thoughts of "one day I'll do this" or "when I have enough money saved I'll buy that". It's happened and happening to all of us, right now.
The hardest and best thing you can do for yourself is get off that island. Trust me, you will NEVER have enough money saved. You will NEVER be at that perfect point in your life to act out your dream. Never. Ever. There is no better time to do what you have wanted to do than right now. Today!
I remember hearing about guys who would never pop the question to their girlfriends because they were saving enough money to get married. I think those same guys are still single now, their lover moving along to find their real knight in shining armor.
Now don't get all hurt feelings at me if you are reading this and see a little bit of yourself in the words. I have been there, done that, got the T-shirt, the hat, the socks, the shoes... well you get my drift.
So, my friend, I beg you, get off that island. Do a Chuck Noland and Wilson and muster all of your energy, and courage, and spirit and sail right off. Those waves look big and scary, but trust me, you are bigger and scarier! Kick that doubt in the gut, squash every negative thought coming against you. You CAN do it!
Email me if you need encouragement or want to rap about the things you have been pondering to do in your life. The time is now, git 'er done!
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