Friday, March 6, 2009

In between layers of color

I mentioned in an earlier post that there were two coats of color and four coats of clear but I failed to mention all that over a coat of primer and another coat of primer-sealer. In between each coat of paint/primer/sealer there is a significant amount of work to be done.

Sanding, wet sanding, and sanding, wet sanding over and over and over and over. By the end of this segment you should be feeling like Daniel Laruso did in that movie when he washed and waxed those sweet antique cars.

So this is what your car looks like in between coats of color. What? You were expecting it to be all shiny and glossy, perfect and ready for the show circuit huh? Not yet my friends, there is plenty of work yet to be done to get the color nice and deep and glossy. Your hard work will pay off though as you will see in posts to come. So come back again, become a follower so you'll know exactly when a new post is published. Until then, be safe and be good.

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